Teucer Wilson is known as one of the UK’s leading lettercutters and stone carvers. He specialises in letter carving, memorial headstones, public art, and sculptures, and also creates more functional pieces such as garden sculptures, seating, sculptural interior pieces, wall art and other ‘objets’.

His commissioned work explores materials such as limestone, sandstone and slate as well as occasional pieces in wood, glass, stainless steel and cast iron. Click on the categories below to find out more, or visit the shop here.

Link to Garden and Outdoor large sculpture section

“A most feeling, connected, skilled, professional. Always a pleasure to meet – and talk through an art piece or whatever is needed for a memorial stone.

Always unique, totally tailored. More expensive than your local memorial centre, but Teucer’s work is special and a cut above (no pun intended) above anything we have seen before.

To date we have commissioned two memorial stones from Teucer as well as art work.
Always impresses.” –  Steve and Judy, Lincolnshire.

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